As a former educator and school technology coordinator, there are a few issues I see educational institutions neglecting to consider when it comes to what’s best for the students. We always want to give our students the best opportunity and access to the best technology and teaching methods. But before you implement new technology too fast, first consider if your school infrastructure and IT department can handle it.
Have You Reviewed Your Infrastructure?
Before you allow hundreds of technologically savvy student loose on your network, do a thorough review of your school’s infrastructure. Students will always push the limits of your technology and try to find weaknesses in it, or simply make a mistake while using it. So you need to be prepared for any incidents or accidents to ensure that your infrastructure remains strong.
When reviewing your school’s infrastructure, ask yourself these questions:
- How secure is my server and firewall?
- How will I filter content?
- Is my wireless network configured for coverage or density?
Will Your Bandwidth Support It?
When adding a multitude of new devices, consider how it will affect the educational process. Teachers and staff need to take priority on the network over students so they can stay connected and do their jobs efficiently. When determining if your current bandwidth will meet any new technology needs, ask yourself:
- How many devices can my bandwidth handle currently?
- How many devices is it currently handling?
- How many does it potentially need to handle?
If you find that your bandwidth cannot handle an influx of new devices, consider investing in a carrier service that can. Your school’s technology needs will be all the better for it.
How Will You Manage Emergencies
There will come a time when something will break, and what will you do when it does? Will you have to get that tech savvy teacher out of class and hope for the best or do you need to hire an IT professional? Will your budget be able to handle it?
STL Communications will walk through the process with you and help you find the technology solution for your school! We are trusted by private schools, school districts and university to ensure they have the best user experience available.