Plan to join KAHCE and STL Communications at the Hilton Garden Inn in Manhattan on April 18-19, 2017, for a two-day event packed with ACHE face-to-face credits at a reasonable cost as well as fun networking opportunities. STL Communications is the official networking sponsor of this KAHCE event! Please join us at 4:30pm for a networking reception. For a full look at what will be happening during this educational session, visit KAHCE’s website or review their brochure!
About KAHCE: Connect, Succeed, Learn, Advance and Lead! The Kansas Association of Health Care Executives is an independent chapter of the American College of Health Care Executives. KAHCE’s mission is to be the professional membership society for health care executives in Kansas; to meet its members’ professional, educational and leadership needs; to promote high ethical standards and conduct; and to advance health care leadership and management excellence.