The most common mechanisms for cracking password are called “Brute Force Attacks” and a “Rainbow Table Attacks” and both are extraordinarily effective at cracking passwords. Check out the graph:
This graphic is a great visual representation for how secure your password is, and how long it would take an algorithm to crack it.
Make sure you are using secure password both in your business environment and in your personal accounts. Wherever possible, use Two-Factor or Multi-Factor authentication methods.
Fun Facts:
- In 1990 It would have taken a computer 6,495 years to crack a password like “z7S69s@9.” Today it would take 12 years. Quantum computing (which is on its way) would be able to accomplish this in just 5 seconds.
- Most people on the planet, end a password with either a 1, 2, !, or a @.
- Out of 11 Million people surveyed 95% used the same password for every account they have. 98% used the same password varying only by 1 character for every account they have.
- Out of the 7,800,000,000 on the planet, two-thirds use the same 2 passwords for everything.
- 30% of phishing e-mails get opened and 9 out of 10 phishing e-mails contain some form of ransomware.
Keep your information safe folks. Make sure your passwords are secure, hard to guess, and contain a numbers, upper and lower case letters, symbols and should be no less than 10 characters!