If our last post about our upcoming Tech Fair wasn’t enough to convince you, maybe these additional reasons will change your mind:
1. Learn how to use cyber security to keep major league baseball organizations from breaking into YOUR records.
2. What kind of attendance prizes can you expect? Maybe tablets, maybe motorized scooters, maybe drones…maybe even a cohesive explanation of the “Mad Men” finale!
3. Use your newfound knowledge of SIP to impress your friends at dinner parties!
4. Do you like hanging out with strangers? The after-fair networking event starts at 5pm!
5. Don’t be stuck in a stodgy office all day. Come to Ballpark Village….breathe the fresh air, enjoy the downtown views, smell the sweaty baseball players (note: STL will not be held legally responsible for any attendees who sniff baseball players).
6. Enjoy the “gentle warmth” of July baseball game in St. Louis on a rooftop!
7. You don’t even have to miss an entire day of work (but if you want to, we won’t tell)!